People keep mentioning we should have an Engagement Shoot - what even is it?

You wouldn't be the first to ask.

An engagement shoot is simply put a couples shoot - just with the exception that you're engaged - CONGRATS. It's a pre-wedding photoshoot that, although isn't an essential add-on, is something we would advise you to at the very least consider. We can hear you thinking "why" (yes, we are mind readers), so let us tell you a bit more about why an engagement shoot is beneficial to you.

1. Get to know your photographer/s

See, it's not just about getting some lush new photos to hang on your wall.

The thing is, unless we are friends, or maybe friends of friends, then the chances are we don't really know each other. Well, not beyond the low-key social media stalking (we know you do it too) and a few back and forth messages, anyway. The likelihood is that you found us through the internet or from a word of mouth recommendation, so in reality you know little about us and the ways in which we work. These sessions provide the perfect opportunity for this to change.

By the end of the session, not only will you know how bad we are at dad jokes and how much we love to have fun, but you will also (hopefully) want to hang out with us - after all, we will be hanging out a heck of a lot if you've also booked your wedding with Two's Co.

With that being said,

2. Help you feel relaxed

The more relaxed you feel in front of the camera and with your photographer, the more natural and fun your photos will look. We want you to be comfortable with us and our cameras, and having a session with us before your Wedding Day can help ease any jitters you might have in relation to having your picture taken. All too often we hear "I hate being in front of the camera" - this breaks us. We don't want you feeling this way and we will do everything in our power to make sure you feel fabulous in yourself. Aside from the usual selfies and the pictures your friends take, having an actual photographer do the same is an experience most of us aren't too familiar with, and therefore feel somewhat awkward - these sessions should just be viewed as a practice session to help you feel more confident when the lens is pointing in your direction.

3. Revisit a place you love

The perfect excuse to head back to a place you might not've visited for a while.

An engagement session is a session which is on location - this means that you get to choose a place which means something to YOU, making these photos even more special. Whether it's the place you got engaged, the place you visit to get away from it all or the place you first met - the options are endless. Of course we are on hand for recommendations if nowhere immediately springs to mind, but ultimately the decision lies with you and your partner.

4. You'll get photos for your Wedding Day

A lot of our clients have used their engagement session photos in one way or another on their special day - whether that's part of the table decoration, your save the date cards, or on a photo wall. It's an extra personal touch which everybody loves and something which has a variety of different ways it can be used.

5. A chance to celebrate life before newlyweds

Your Wedding Day isn't your whole love story.

Sometimes quite a few months or years have surpassed before you've reached this moment - and that needs celebrating too. Yes, on your Wedding Day you are dressed your best with hair and make-up done maybe, but what about the other 99% of the time? What makes you both you - what do you, as a couple, like to do? Maybe long country walks are your thing? Or possibly baking together? Maybe picnicking over sunset? Whatever it is you like to do, it's worth documenting and we want to capture the authentic you.

So there you have it, our top 5 reasons why booking an Engagement Shoot is something that's really worth considering. But it doesn't mean you have to. If after reading all this you're still thinking it's not for you - that's absolutely fine - they aren't for everyone and it's always your call. However, if you were on the fence about booking in for one, then these pointers might just convince you to go for it.