1. Getting legally married before your Wedding Day

Have you ever thought about getting legally married before your Wedding Day?

Neither had we until one of our couples did exactly that.

And we now LOVE this idea fyi.

Not only can you focus purely on yourselves and the intimacy of your vows, but it means on your 'wedding day' you can have anybody you choose officiate the same and you still get to say vows to each other in front of your friends and families should you wish. Having already done the legal paperwork also saves time during the ceremony and means you can get to the party quicker, but the best of it - nobody actually needs to know you're already married apart from those you want to know. All wedding day pressure is relieved, well most of it, anyway.

2. Speeches before food

This is something which is becoming ever more popular - we did this at our own wedding and 9/10 of the weddings we shoot also follows suit. A lot of people are nervous talkers in front of a crowd, and if that's you and you're doing speeches, firstly kudos, but secondly you don't want your delicious meal ruined by the thought of having to do your impending speech looming over you - so get it out the way first!

It also allows your suppliers time to eat their food too if you're generously providing the same. Most couples don't realise that their suppliers usually get fed after all the guests have been served all courses - so speeches after the meal allows very little time for us to eat without indigestion.

3. Ask your officiant to step out of the way for your first kiss.

This is something many, including the officiant themselves, might not think about, but having them awkwardly hanging out behind you in one of the most treasured photos can lead to some very unflattering shots, rather than that perfect photo you dream about. Politely reminding your officiant to step out of the frame before this moment will make us photographers' lives a lot easier.

4. Wear in those shoes.

Nobody wants blisters, especially on their wedding day, so make sure to wear in your shoes beforehand and have blister plasters to hand just in case. Obviously don't go wearing your shiny new shoes on a lengthy dog walk, but wearing them around the house as and when you can will benefit you hugely - it's a long day on your feet. Many of our couples have a pair of comfy white trainers to switch into come the evening, and the 'flip-flop basket' is another great option if you need to make a sneaky switch before dancing the night away.

5. Learn how to attach buttonholes in advance.

You'd be surprised as to how many grooms/groomsmen don't know how to do this - luckily for you, if you have hired us as your photographers, we are on hand to assist you. But to make groom prep run a little smoother, ask your florist for detailed instructions on how to do the same (and also watch a video or two!).

Usually the buttonhole is attached to the man's left lapel - just above the heart to be precise. The flowers should rest on, or near to, the widest part of the lapel with the stem running parallel to the edge of the same. Thread the pin through the fabric, the steam of the buttonhole (near to the head of the flowers) and back through the fabric of the suit again and VOILA! It's also quite the skill to be able to do this on your own suit, so enlist some help if you need to.